Edited by : Maria Sala,

Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain


Maria Sala, Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain

Foundations of Geography

Maria Sala, Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain

Main Stages of the Development of Geography

Maria Sala, Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain

Theory and Methods in Geography

Maria Sala, Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain

Geographical Education

Rod Gerber, Faculty of Education, Health and Professional Studies, University of New England, Australia

Physical Geography

Olav Slaymaker, Department of Geography, The University of British Columbia, Canada


Hanna Bremer, Geographisches Institut, Universitat Koeln, Germany

Climate as Life-Support Systems: A Climatological Overview

Masatoshi Yoshino, Tsukuba University, Japan
Kazuko Urushibara-Yoshino, Geographical Department, Hosei University, Japan


Olga E. Scarpati, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET, Argentina


Michael E. Meadows, Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town, South

Soil Geography

Maria Sala, Department of Physical Geography,University of Barcelona, Spain.
Xavier Ubeda, Department of Physical Geography,University of Barcelona, Spain.
Sara Bernia, Department of Physical Geography,University of Barcelona, Spain.

Coastal Systems

Pieter Gerrit Ernst Frederik Augustinus, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

The Ocean System

Adalberto Vallega, Dipartimento Polis, Universita di Genova, Italy

Mountain Geoecology. The Evolution Of Intellectually-Based Scholarship Into A Political Force For Sustainable Mountain Development

Jack D. Ives, Carleton University, Canada
Bruno Messerli, Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland

Natural Hazards

David Alexander, Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University, UK

Land Degradation and Desertification: History, Nature, Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Arthur Conacher, Department of Geography, University of Western Australia, Australia

Human Geography

Carles Carreras, Department of Human Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain

Population Geography

María Carmen FAUS-PUJOL and Antonio HIGUERAS-ARNAL, Department of Geography and Spatial Organisation, University of Zaragoza (Spain).

Cultural and Social Geography

Paul Claval, U.F.R. de Geographie, Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, France

Agricultural and Rural Geography

Desmond A. Gillmor, Department of Geography, Trinity College, Ireland

Geography of Industry and Transport

Sergio Conti, Dipartamento Internateneo Territorio, Universita e Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Geography of Economic Activities

Sam Ock Park, Department of Geography, Seoul National University, Korea

Urban Geography

Adrian G. Aguilar, Institute of Geography, National University of México (UNAM), Mexico.

Medical Geography

David R. Phillips, Department of Politics and Sociology, Lingnan University, China
Kathleen Wilson, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Mark W. Rosenberg, Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Canada

Political Geography

Vladimir Kolossov, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Geography of Tourism

C. Michael Hall, Department of Tourism, School of Business, University of Otago, New Zealand

Regional Geography

Antoine Bailly, Department of Geography, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Technical Geography. Core Concepts in the Mapping Sciences

Ferjan Ormeling, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Geodesy and Topography

Andreas Illert, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany

Mapping and Atlas Production

Ferjan Ormeling, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Remote Sensing Systems

Frans J.M. van der Wel, KNMI, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands

Geographical Information Systems

Frans J.M. van der Wel, KNMI, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands

Modelling Geographical Systems and Prediction

Robert G.V. Baker, Division of Geography and Planning, School of Human and Environmental Studies, University of New England, Australia

Zoogeography: An Ecological Perspective

Danilo Russo, Laboratorio di Ecologia Applicata, Dipartimento Ar.Bo.Pa.Ve., Facoltà di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, via Università 100, I-80055 Portici, Italy

Environmental Historical Geography: A Review

Craig E. Colten, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA

Geographical Education: How Human-Environment-Society Processes Work

Sibylle Reinfried, University of Teacher Education Central Switzerland Lucerne
Philippe Hertig, Teacher Training University, State of Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland