Single User eBooks are in PDF format with two options - Single User with DRM restriction and Single User without DRM restriction.
DRM - Digital Rights Management.
Prices of e-Book Volumes for Single User
- Single User with DRM Restriction:
- Price per Volume: US$28
- Single User without DRM Restriction
- Price per Volume: US$49
Offer !
For more than 5 volumes enjoy a
Special Discount of 10% on the total list price.
Extended Download Service (EDS)
If you do not purchase the EDS you have 15 days from the date of your purchase to download your e-Book order.
- 30 days:
- US$2 (Per volume)
- 90 days:
- US$5 (Per volume)
Invoicing policy:
In the case of payment by Wire
Transfer, add US$15 to the
invoiced amount towards bank charges
* e-Books will be delivered within 3 working days following a confirmed order and payment
The EOLSS e-Book academic collection is the best option for Institutions and Libraries. The eBook can be purchased and owned for unlimited usage at an affordable price.
In fact, the whole EOLSS e-book academic collection is highly recommended as the best option for Institutions and Libraries concerned with education and research in a multitude of disciplines and interdisciplinary areas. Users can search and access any volume of their interest from their personal desks. The Grand Collection can be purchased and owned for unlimited usage for a price that includes a standard discount of upto 35% on the total list price of all the volumes and an additional discount based on UN-HDI which will be up to 5%.
In order to facilitate easy payment under annual budgetary constrains, buyers can request for payment in annual installments, each not less than $2500.
In view of the current global trend of libraries moving away from shared collection concept, this offer of EOLSS e-book collections at a very attractive and affordable cost is to enable purchases by individual libraries for full and independent ownership for perpetual simultaneous user access within the Full Time Enrollment (FTE) in a buyer friendly scheme. There are considerable standard discounts and additional discounts based on country ranking according to United Nations Human Development Index (UN-HDI) and there is also a facility to make payments in annual installments if desired.
Prices of e-Book Volumes for Institutions and Libraries
e-books can be selected by title(s) from component encyclopedia(s) for ownership for unlimited usage/access by a single Institution / Department / Library within its FTE.
The list price for a single volume is US$ 90.
Offer !
Discount rates for sets are as follows:
- 5-100:
- 10% on the total price
- 101-200:
- 15% on the total price
- 201-300:
- 20% on the total price
- 301-400:
- 25% on the total price
- 401-500:
- 30% on the total price
- Above 501:
- 35% on the total price
Additional discount based on UN-HDI which will be up to 5% on the total price (Only for volumes 5 or more).
Invoicing policy:
In the case of payment by Wire
Transfer, add US$15 to the
invoiced amount towards bank charges
* e-Books will be delivered within 3 working days following a confirmed order and payment
Prices of e-Book Print Volumes (Colour Edition)
- Price per Volume:
- US$219
- Handling Charges:
- US$15
Invoicing policy:
In the case of payment by Wire Transfer, add US$15 to the invoiced amount towards bank charges
* Printed volumes will be delivered in 4- 6 weeks following a confirmed order and payment.
How to order Single Chapter
- From Books Menu, choose Book Category, then desired book title. Now choose Chapter from the list
- Also you can search the Chapter using Chapter Title/Author
Prices of Single Chapters in PDF format
- Up to 25 Pages:
- $7.50
- 26-50 Pages:
- $15.00
- 51-75 Pages:
- $22.50
- Above 75 Pages:
- $27.00
Offer !
For more than 3 Chapters enjoy a Special Discount of
Invoicing policy:
In the case of payment by Wire Transfer, add US$15 to the invoiced amount towards bank charges