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Single User eBook

Prices of e-Book Volumes for Single User

Single User with DRM Restriction:
Price per Volume: US$28
Single User without DRM Restriction:
Price per Volume: US$49
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For more than 5 volumes enjoy a Special Discount of 10% on the total list price.

Multi User eBook

Prices of e-Book Volumes for Institutions and Libraries

e-books can be selected by title(s) from component encyclopedia(s) for ownership for unlimited usage/access by a single Institution / Department / Library within its FTE.

The list price for a single volume is US$ 90.

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Discount rates for sets are as follows:

10% on the total price
15% on the total price
20% on the total price
25% on the total price
30% on the total price
Above 501:
35% on the total price

Additional discount based on UN-HDI which will be up to 5% on the total price (Only for volumes 5 or more).

Single Chapter

Prices of Single Chapters in PDF format

Up to 25 Pages:
26-50 Pages:
51-75 Pages:
Above 75 Pages:
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For more than 3 Chapters enjoy a Special Discount of 10%