Sample Chapters - Land Use, Land Cover and Soil Sciences

Land Use, Land Cover And Soil Sciences - Ed. Willy H. Verheye

Land Use, Land Cover And Soil Sciences

Land Cover, Land Use and the Global Change

Land Use and Land Cover, Including their Classification

Land-Cover and Land-Use Mapping

Factors Influencing Land-Use and Land-Cover Change

Land Use Changes During the Past 300 Years

Land Use Changes Affected by Urban and Industrial Development

Land-Use, Land-Cover Changes and Biodiversity Loss

Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Global Aggregate Impacts

The Land-Use and Cover Change (LUCC) Project

Africover Land Cover Classification and Mapping Project

Land Evaluation

Soil Survey as a Basis for Land Evaluation

Qualitative and Quantitative Land Evaluations

The FAO Guidelines for Land Evaluation

Land Evaluation Systems Other Than The FAO System

Agro-Climate-Based Land Evaluation Systems

Land Quality Indicators(LQI) : Monitoring and Evaluation

Biophysical Models in Land Evaluation

Economic Models of Land Eveluation: Local Decision-Making

Economic Models of Land Evaluation: Regional and Global Decision-Making

Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning for Sustainable Development

Agro-Ecological Zones Assessments

The Value and Price of Land

Impact of Ethno-Cultural Factors and Land Tenure on Land Use and Land Use Planning

Human-Induced Land Degradation

The Corine Project on Soil Erosion Risk and Land Quality

The ILUS Integrated Land Use Planning Concept

The Impact of the Participative Approach to Land-Use Planning

Land Use Management

Management of Agricultural Land: Climatic and Water Aspects

Management of Agricultural Land: Chemical and Fertility Aspects

Management of Non-Arable Rural Land, Including Forests, Grasslands, and Shrub-lands

Management of Dryland and Desert Areas

Management of Mountainous Areas

Soil Conservation

Land Rehabilitation

Land Use Planning and Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas

Deforestation in the Amazon: Past, Present and Future

Dynamics of Land Use in Relation to the Green Revolution in India

The Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy on Land Use in Europe

Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Russia

Dry Lands and Desertification

Desertification and Ancient Desert Farming Systems

Desertification and Pastoralism: A Historical Review of Pastoral Nomadism in the Negev Region

The Use of Shrubs in Livestock Feeding in Low Rainfall Areas

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification: Policies and Programs for Implementation

Desert Reclamation and Management of Dry Lands: Fertility Aspects

Desert Reclamation and Management of Dry Lands: Water Aspects

The Salinity and Alkalinity Status of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

Desertification in China

Desertification and Deforestation in Africa

Water Harvesting and Water-Saving Techniques

Combating Desertification and Drought

Climate Impacts of Land Degradation in the World's Drylands

Monitoring the Desert Environment From Space:Examples from the Arab Region

Soils and Soil Sciences

A Brief History Of Soil Science

Pedogenesis and Soil Forming Factors

Soil Properties and Pedometrics

Soil Geography and Classification

Soil Physics

Soil Chemistry and Soil Fertility

Soil Biology and Microbiology

Soil Biochemistry

Soil Mineralogy

Soil Microscopy and Micromorphology

Forest, Range and Wildland Soils

Urban Soils

Volcanic Soils

Soils of Cold and Temperate Regions

Soils of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas

Mediterranean Soils

Soils of the Humid and Sub-humid Tropics

Stresses Caused by Edaphic Factors

Soil Organic Matter Decline and Management

Soil Acidification